Drinking Enough Water
Optimized Wellness Center • (510) 497-4424 or Email Us

Did you know that your body is primarily water?  That’s right. Your body has more water in it than any other substance. That’s why water is critically important to your good health. Water is important even when you aren’t undergoing cold laser treatments. However, getting enough water while undergoing treatment is critical to the success of your program.

Why Water is Important When Undergoing Cold Laser Treatments? Zerona laser cause the cells in your body to release fat into your blood stream.  The goal is to have this newly released fat exit your body through your urine and bowel movements.  Ingesting enough water is critical to accomplishing this goal.

How Much Water Should I Drink? When not undergoing Zerona laser treatments, the standard rule of thumb is that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces per day.  In other words, if you weigh 130 lbs you should be drinking 65 ounces (just over half a gallon) of water per day. If you weight 160 lbs you should be drinking 80 ounces a day. If you are out in hot weather or exercising you need drink even more. Your urine should be nearly clear or very light yellow. Any darker and you need to be drinking more water. Dehydration (a lack of enough water in the body) can cause headaches, muscle cramps, a lack of mental focus and poor treatment outcomes.

Recommended Water Intake During Treatment: We recommend you drink at least 100 ounces of water per day.  If you are still consuming caffeinated drinks such as coffee or tea, you will need to add 2 ounces of water for every ounce of coffee or caffeinated tea as caffeine is dehydrating. It’s also a great idea to start your day out with a tall glass of water upon waking. You need to space your water intake over the course of the day. It is best to limit your intake to no more than 25 ounces in any single hour and not while eating.

Again, if you are out in hot weather or exercising vigorously you should drink more water to remain adequately hydrated.

Do Other Beverages Count for My Daily Total? No, they don’t. Nothing seems to work as well as good ol’ water. You may add a squeeze of lemon/lime or fresh cucumber to your water for flavor.

How on Earth am I Going to Drink that Much Water? Many people find that the easiest way to incorporate enough water is to start the day with a glass, then pour another glass every time you go to the bathroom. If you aren’t used to drinking enough water you will visit the bathroom often but frequency should drop as your body gets used to the increase in water consumption. Some cell phone applications can provoke reminders too.

What Kind of Water Should I Drink? Your best bet is non-carbonated, spring or mineral water. Both contain minerals your body needs for optimal health. Be careful of carbonated waters as many contain a lot of salt. Check the label for salt content. Tap water is fine in most locations but may taste better if filtered. Adding lemon, lime or cucumber slices to ice water can add enough flavor to make water more inviting.

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