new patient consultation

What to Expect 

Are you wanting to feel better and achieve the health you have always deserved? 

Have other doctors told you you’re fine, but your body is telling you that you’re not? 

At Optimized Wellness Center, our doctors will listen to you. We believe your health is a team effort. We will identify what is needed in order to get at the root cause of the issues that brought you into our office and create lasting resolution by addressing them at the source. Our consultation, examination and assessment process is extremely thorough, allowing the solutions we provide to be tailored to you and the best opportunity for your body to recover and maintain an optimized state of health.

The intake process allows us to create a personalized plan that will put you on the road to wellness. You are encouraged to invite a loved one to accompany you as this information is critical to your health going forward. We will consider and map according to your past medical history, current lifestyle and health status as well as your unique goals. We are here to help you reach optimized health.

Before Your Appointment

Complete the New Practice Member Application and submit the completed form 24 business hours in advance to your appointment.
If you are looking for therapies only, please complete our Short Intake Form.

Please note: The New Practice Member application is an extensive medical history and takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. We do not double book and therefore have dedicated this scheduled time just for you. Your appointment is reserved for the time scheduled and if your paperwork is unfinished at the time of your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule and incur additional fees.  If you need assistance with this form or would like to pick up a printed copy from our office, feel free to give us a call at 510-497-4424 in advance of your appointment.

At Your Appointment

At your appointment, we will perform all the necessary evaluations for your case, an extensive evaluation of your health, including a thorough consultation of the clinical findings relevant to:

  • your health history
  • current health status
  • your goals and objectives

If necessary, a full physical exam including:

  • orthopedic testing
  • spinal and extremity function

5 objective, high technology tests may be performed to help quantify various aspects of health:

  • spinal, nerve and muscle system health with NASA Technology
  • nutritional status with a Nobel Prize-winning scanner
  • biometric data revealing body composition
  • digital postural evaluation
  • blood pressure

We will conclude with a review and analysis of our:

  • clinical findings
  • care recommendations
  • discussion of a pathway forward

Your personalized plan of all the ways Optimized Wellness Center can support you achieve optimal function may include chiropractic care, functional medicine, acupuncture, lab testing, personalized nutrition and supplement recommendations, detoxification therapies, laser treatment, weight loss and/or body contouring therapies, cellular detox, ionic foot baths, etc. 

There is no need to prepare for this appointment by fasting or otherwise altering your behavior. We are looking to gather a realistic understanding of your current health status.

New Practice Member Application*

*This lets us know the history and current state of your health. What questions, concerns, goals, regarding wellness can we help you with? Let us know!

OWC Medical Release Form

OWC Privacy of Practices

OWC Practice Member Re-Evaluation

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